Vessel Chartering & Stevedoring

  • Our referral network can handle vessels from 5,000 metric tons to 85,000 metric tons.
  • We have our own in-house personnel to handle shipments from anywhere in the world to anywhere around the Earth. Coming soon interplanetary deliver and pick ups

Experienced surveyors referrals for quality, loading supervision, draft surveys, etc. available

  •  Rail or Trailer shipment and Pick available upon request
  • International documentation
  • Letters of credit
  • Quality Referral Network

We adhere to NAR Code of Ethics (Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Association of REALTORS®), Better Business Bureau Code of Ethics, and DDA (Digital Dealers Association) ethics.

Materials that require destruction are disposed of per Federal, State EPA regulations or meet local and State regulations, and will meet all environmental regulatory reporting requirements. We send monitors for disposal to facilities that have the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permits to accept monitors for disposal – “Acknowledgment of notification of hazardous waste activity” from the EPA, Region 2, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY; or from other EPA regions.

We will be sure any item you want destroyed will happen and NOT be returned to the open market. Please note charges may apply please call for details.